[400] does not match current agreement URL

I have that issue:

return code:400
Details:Provided agreement URL [https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.1.1-August-1-2016.pdf] does not match current agreement URL [https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.2-November-15-2017.pdf]

How can i fix it?
Try no change URL at acme.sh, but there are no success.


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Hi @dn4g,

@cpu raised an issue regarding the agreement change here https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/issues/1112 but seems acme.sh should deal with this change automatically…

1.- First, try to upgrade your acme.sh client acme.sh --upgrade and try again.
2.- If after the upgrade it doesn’t work, you should open an issue so it can be fixed by @Neilpang.

Good luck,


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