My domain is: and other subdomains (around 30)
I ran this command:
wacs,exe --renew --baseuri ""
It produced this output:
Error getting renewal information from server
ACMESharp.Protocol.AcmeProtocolException: Unexpected response status code [NotFound] for [GetRenewalInfo]
** at ACMESharp.Protocol.AcmeProtocolClient.SendAcmeAsync(String relativeUri, HttpMethod method, String message, HttpStatusCode expectedStatuses, String opName)**
** at ACMESharp.Protocol.AcmeProtocolClient.SendAcmeAsync[TResponse](String uri, JsonTypeInfo1 responseType, String message, HttpMethod method, HttpStatusCode[] expectedStatuses, String opName)** ** at ACMESharp.Protocol.AcmeProtocolClient.GetRenewalInfo(Byte[] certificateId)** ** at PKISharp.WACS.Clients.Acme.AcmeClientExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass1_0
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
** at PKISharp.WACS.Clients.Acme.AcmeClientExtensions.Backoff[T](AcmeProtocolClient client, Func1 executor, ILogService log, Int32 attempt)** ** at PKISharp.WACS.Clients.Acme.AcmeClientExtensions.Backoff[T](AcmeProtocolClient client, Func
1 executor, ILogService log, Int32 attempt)**
** at PKISharp.WACS.Clients.Acme.AcmeClientExtensions.Retry[T](AcmeProtocolClient client, Func1 executor, ILogService log, Int32 attempt)** ** at PKISharp.WACS.Clients.Acme.AcmeClientExtensions.Retry[T](AcmeProtocolClient client, Func
1 executor, ILogService log, Int32 attempt)**
** at PKISharp.WACS.Clients.Acme.AcmeClient.GetRenewalInfo(ICertificateInfo certificate)**
** at PKISharp.WACS.OrderProcessor.PrepareOrders(List1 orderContexts, List
1 orderInfos)**
My web server is (include version): IIS 8.5
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Windows 2016
My hosting provider, if applicable, is: NA
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): yes
I'm using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): NA
The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version
or certbot-auto --version
if you're using Certbot): win-acme.v2.2.6.1571.x64.pluggable
Thanks for the free SSL.
I have installed the free SSL for around 30 subdomains since 15 Apr 2024. The acme installed a task scheduler to renew the cert daily. It operated smoothly till 17 May 2024. Then the task returned the error log.
I have installed the AVG Business File Security on 17 May. However, I stopped the AVG, the renew is still not success.
May anyone help?