I’m trying to setup Rabbitmq and I’m a tad confused on how to map the below keys generated from Letys’ Encrypt to what Rabbitmq is expecting.
From LE Dir:
From Rabbitmq
CA certificate (public key)|ca_certificate.pem
Server certificate (public key)|server_certificate.pem
Server private key|server_key.pem
Client certificate (public key)|client_certificate.pem
Client private key|client_key.pem
Thanks for that correction, @orangepizza. Still, I don’t think these certificates will be useful in that context for most people because client authentication applications usually expect the entity that’s going to verify the client certificates to have issued them itself.
Since you don’t need to access your RabbitMQ instance in a web browser, you don’t need a publicly trusted Let’s Encrypt certificate. Instead you can make your own root certificate, and sign your own server certificates and client certificates with it. For instance, minica is a straightforward tool to do this.