Web client dev, help me

Now I’m developing a web client and I have a challeng order problem. When I initiate a challenge, I request the content: "


body_top:{‘url’: u’https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/challenge/xv2iHCmRfvmCt-EZSW7vNFrTnKJtIyIg2i4dk_8NVWY/323262682’, ‘alg’: ‘RS256’, ‘jws’: ‘pTBX15Ox92Uqa3NszFIUG0CHW0C5bjOw4MpQrX5woHg.PaMWCx0fk-w7ixnKLk6LFGsfP72H7Slno-hpc9rmbnQ’, ‘nonce’: ‘x6bveQHih4SEO7WGzUFXb5dmfBun5TCTpb1gBB53Z2w’}


Get the returned result: “’”{

“Type”: “urn: ietf: params: acme: error: malformed”

“Detail”: “No Key ID in JWS header”

“Status”: 400


I’m not sure if it’s because I’m encapsulating the data incorrectly, requesting the address incorrectly, or having the exact steps. May I ask you to give me some advice? Because I spent too much time on it. I hope I can be more specific when I give you some advice, because my English is not very good, I translate it through translation software, so this paragraph may also be a bit awkward. Hope to forgive, but also hope to understand.

Of course, during the request process, I tried to use this address: u’https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/challenge/xv2iHCmRfvmCt-EZSW7vNFrJtIyIg2i4dk_8NVWY/323262682

There is also this address: u’https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz/xv2iHCmRfvmCt-EZSW7vNFrTnKJtIyIg2i4dk_8NVWY/

Hi @luoweidd

if you want to create an own client, the RFC


is your source.

There you find the "Key identifier" / kid field.

If you use the staging system, it's a Letsencrypt specific string like

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So where should I put my keyAuthorization?

Add "kid" in body_top: "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/acct/yourAccountId"?

Is the final request data like this:


'url': u'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/challenge/xv2iHCmRfvmCt-EZSW7vNFrTnKJtIyIg2i4dk_8NVWY/323262682',


'jws':'pTBX15Ox92Uqa3NszFIUG0CHW0C5bjOw4MpQrX5woHg. PaMWCx0fk-w7ixnKLk6LFGsfP72H7Slno-hpc9rmbnQ',


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