Type http-01 status invalid

What does this show:

sudo netstat -pant | grep -i listen

Something is different on this system than the other. If it was the same it would work.


Do you need the proxy statements in the port 80 VirtualHost? It looks like you want to redirect to HTTPS (although the redirect is currently using HTTP).

What happens if you just comment those out, restart Apache, and try again


i need to comment line in .conf file(/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sourcing.conf)? please let me know which line?

Let's start by commenting out all the lines in that file except:


I commented and restarted apache server...i tried to connect dev.sourcing.kwikbasket.com unable to connect site

No, just the opposite lines to comment out. Keep those two for ServerName and ServerAdmin and comment out all the others


Did you restart Apache after that change?

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Yes sudo systemctl restart apache2 done

What does this show?

sudo systemctl status apache2
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Sorry but I give up. I do not see any reason why a connection to port 80 should fail. Especially now that the proxy and faulty rewrite statements are gone from the VirtualHost.

Maybe another volunteer can see something. But, having port 80 working is a starting point for Let's Encrypt (at least for http challenge). Maybe AWS support or a forum that deals with your server configuration is the best option.

Once you are able to get port 80 connections working, let us know if you need help getting a certificate.

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Doesn't it need a DocumentRoot?
[or some other way to provide content]

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http should be https
Try using:

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on 
RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]
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i need to add
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

in .conf file??

DocumentRoot always has a default value. If not valid I don't remember failure result (http 404?) but I am pretty sure Apache would not just time out. I was just hoping to get some response, anything, but never have (to any of their port 80 servers for that matter yet port 443 work fine).


That implies a default value was entered in the main config [which we can't be sure of].

I agree the results are strange, but we need to make as many things as normal as possible; And along the way we may yet figure this one out.

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No, Apache has a hard-coded default (per docs) if none specified.

Sure, go ahead, knock yourself out :slight_smile: