Tutorial - Certbot Cloudflare DNS with Apache Web Servers on Ubuntu 16.10

Part 5 - Testing Plugin - Simple Certificate obtained via certonly

Obtaining the certificate without installing it is a pretty straight forward process. This plugin does a good job of providing friendly feedback if your parameters are not correct.


certbot certonly --dns-cloudflare --dns-cloudflare-credentials /etc/letsencrypt/cloudflare.ini -d simplecloudflare.firecube.xyz

Result of a Run:

Explanation of Error Message:

From the init.py file in the plugin

Certbot will emit a warning if it detects that the credentials file can be
accessed by other users on your system. The warning reads "Unsafe permissions
on credentials configuration file", followed by the path to the credentials
file. This warning will be emitted each time Certbot uses the credentials file,
including for renewal, and cannot be silenced except by addressing the issue
(e.g., by using a command like chmod 600 to restrict access to the file).

As I did not follow this when I created the .INI file the messages persists.


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