GET requests on ACME v2 API has no longer supported so I am doing tests on your staging environment.
I changed my client’s request to POST. Request URL is the same as before.
I am posting JWS that has empty “payload” but I am getting “POST JWS not signed”.
How can I make signed JWS to POST to your API?
Please show me an example.
Thank you.
I understand the payload field can be empty.
But how am I supposed to get the other stuff like
“alg”, “kid”, “nonce”, “url” and “signature”?
Where do I generate them?
No, I am already working with a working ACME client.
But I am fixing the part that used to use GET.
The script that I am working on has nothing to do with JWS because it used to just do GET.
You are saying it won’t be too hard to change GET to POST-as-GET but this is so much work!
Yes, my ACME client program is creating new order just before doing authz…
order creation does have JWS generation and POST request.
I can just copy those steps to do authz, right?