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Are you asking if Let’s Encrypt will be applying to the 360 root program?

It seems some more information about the program can be found at: https://caprogram.360.cn and clicking the “English” link in the top-right.


Yes. There are many users of 360 browser in China. If you do not join the 360 browser root certificate program, you may not be trusted by 360 browser in the future.


from their root program policy:

That for any root CA certificate to be include in 360 root store, the expiration date at the date of submission must be more than 8 years.

DST root CA x3 ruled out by this, as it expires on 2021. 9. 30. so we have to use ISRG intermediate to have any chance. but we only can provide single chain for it. but old android versions (before 7.1.1) won't trust ISRG root x1 so.. it's one or else situation.

P.S : can WE cross sign DST root X3 and include it as single chain? (ISRG root -> DST root -> LE x3 -> leaf)


That's a question for @josh as it's not listed in Browser/OS vendors with ISRG root in their root certificate stores - #7 by josh :

Is that list (Mozilla / Google Chrome / Google Android / Apple / Oracle (Java) / Blackberry / Microsoft) still up to date?

Do you plan to submit the ISRG Roots to other stores such as the 360 browser root certificate program?


Since Let's Encrypt doesn't include CRL URL in end entity certificate, does it make Let's Encrypt ineligible to join this CA program?

All end user certificates must:

  • Contain valid OCSP, AIA and CRL URLs, and appropriate OIDs as defined by the CA/Browser Forum documents.

Does this means it will fall back to OS trust store, or it will semi-trust all certificate?
Hopefully first one, but they are the guys behind Wosign (now changed its name to wotrust), so…


From the webpage and my friends, the browser will fall back to OS certificate store and give the second padlock.
I do also realize that some CA included in the program are not yet in Windows / Mozilla / Apple's trust store (or still in progress). Not sure how that CA progressed that fast in this program. (But it's up to the company)


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