Too many certificates already issued - rate limit?

probably easier to just get your own domain instead of being subject to dynamic dns/hosted communities included rate limits right now.

We have our own servers, we just share the domain for community reasons. is not a “community hoster”, but the central domain used by pretty much all freifunk communities in germany.

oh you’re the provider not end user of the service

unfortunately that probably means you have to wait until LE folks loosen those rate limits :frowning:

I also hope they’re loosening those rate limits soon, since we’re having several subdomains on our main domain that we don’t wanna expose with one “master certificate” for all subdomains on that host and I guess there will be more people with that concern.

I have the same problem “There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for:” with a German Dynamic DNS provider “”, with this you can get subdomains per account with maximum of 5.

The following domains are available:

can you increase the Iinit for these domains? Or is it just a beta limit?


Let’s Encrypt basis its rate limit on the “registered domain” portion part of the FQDN, based on the Public Suffix List. For, that would be For, that would be (because is a public suffix).

Most dynamic DNS services should probably be in the Public Suffix List, because that’s what browsers use to prevent sites from setting cookies on each other. Otherwise, could set and delete cookies from So, my first recommendation is to ask your dynamic DNS provider to add themselves to the Public Suffix List, which will have add-on security benefits.


Thanks for your answer, i have contacted the support from and wait for response.

@jsha, that wont work for, as it could break the website at when browsers refuse to accept cookies for It would probably have other side effects as well. Will there be other ways to increase the limit, or is that the only chance?

I don’t think they will stop accepting cookies for, they will stop accepting cookies from for or

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Hey VaTo,

I use also an account with Did you hear something positive?

I had issues with my installation, and tried to use the new documentation. Cleared out my /etc/letsencrypt directory because I couldn’t make heads or tails of which cert was correct.

And now I can’t get replacement certs. This is one of the 6 domains I have which I can’t get a cert for anymore.

There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for:
Please see the logfiles in /var/log/letsencrypt for more details.

Is there anything I can do?

[quote=“DrPain, post:31, topic:4184”]
Is there anything I can do?
[/quote]Wait a week: Public beta rate limits

I ran into issues with my LE client install as well as implementation and now I keep getting the following:

An unexpected error occurred:
There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for:

I need all old certs revoked/erased, so I can generate new certs now that my renewal script works.

Before you say, “wait a week” please note I already have and still getting these errors…

Revocation/ereasing doesn’t help you at all if you’ve hit the rate limit of 5 certificates per domain per sliding window of 7 days. You’ll just have to wait.

You should have experimented with the --test-cert switch in stead of the live server.

I waited 7 days already…still get the error…

Yes, your first certificate was issued at 16:09 GMT. You’ll just have to wait one hour and aprox. 40 minutes.

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thought I’d wait long enough to issue more LE ssl certificates but seems my auto renewal cronjobs ran on Jan 1, 2016 so took up nearly all my free slots so I hit the rate limit again

obtaining Letsencrypt SSL certificate via webroot authentication...

/root/.local/share/letsencrypt/bin/letsencrypt -c /etc/letsencrypt/webroot.ini --user-agent centminmod-centos6-webroot --webroot-path /home/nginx/domains/ -d certonly
An unexpected error occurred:
There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for:
Please see the logfiles in /var/log/letsencrypt for more details.

@jsha definitely need to raise that rate limit soon as auto renewals with <60day frequency is going to interfere with the ability to get more ssl certificates and the problem will get worse over time as more LE ssl certs get auto renewed !


certificate expires in 86 days on 31 Mar 2016

certificate expires in 86 days on 31 Mar 2016

certificate expires in 86 days on 31 Mar 2016

certificate expires in 89 days on 3 Apr 2016

certificate expires in 89 days on 3 Apr 2016

Excellent. I see that is already on there. We’re in business.


Why not just put 100 of those subdomains as SANs on a single certificate, then install that same cert on each of the 100 subdomains? That takes up only 1 rate-limit slot per cert. Using this method you can generate certificates covering 500 subdomains every 7 days.

For example, if you currently have less than 100 subdomains secured, when your slot opens up again you can group them all up (regardless of expiry date) and generate just 1 cert covering the existing ones plus any new subdomains you wish to secure. That would use up only 1 slot, and all your subdomains would be covered for another 3 months.

It’s not entirely just my requirements I need to meet but also that of my users as I develop Centmin Mod LEMP stack which integrates Letsncrypt into the Nginx vhost creator routines see So Centmin Mod users when they create a new nginx vhost site via the routine they input their domain name they want to setup nginx for + get a Letsencrypt SSL certificate issues and appropriate nginx HTTP/2 vhost configuration auto generated. So each nginx vhost auto created by my users will be tied to their own separate Letsencrypt SSL certificate.