The correct way to merge two certificates with certbot?

I have 2 issued certificates:



I realized that was best consolidated onto the cert.

I ran certbot with --expand and enumerated all the domains I wanted

That successfully gave me a new cert as /archive/ Great.

I’m left with two concerns that I couldn’t find in the docs:

  1. Looking at the code, it seems to just try and auto-detect which certificate has the most similar domains and uses that as the destination. It’s not possible to specify a target destination – is it? (i.e. expand onto or some new name)

  2. It looks like the single cert for would still auto-renew and needs to be deleted from the system – correct?

Recent versions of certbot have the --cert-name option, corresponding to the directory in /live/ or /archive/ (also called "lineage" with the developers).

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[quote="jvanasco, post:1, topic:32325"]
It's not possible to specify a target destination -- is it? (i.e. expand onto or some new name)[/quote]

Historically not, but it is possible in recent enough Certbot versions with --cert-name.

That's correct. In recent enough Certbot versions there is a delete verb that you can use to do this (as opposed to simply deleting all references to it within /etc/letsencrypt).

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Thank you both! Glad to know I’m not doing things too wrong with Certbot.

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