My Synology seems unable to renew.
It runs 6.1.2 - 15132, on domain
Automatic renew failed because port 80 wasn't open. Just like last time.
I've since removed the virtual hosts and port remapping I used, and plainly forwarded 80/443 to the Synology. Like it expects.
I also added some .htaccess files to in some subfolders.
However, it still won't renew.
I ran (root) syno-letsencrypt renew-all -v
it gave me:
DEBUG: Issuer name of certificate. [Let's Encrypt]->[/usr/syno/etc/certificate/_archive/7knl2r/cert.pem]
And it exits with code 0.
Which gives me zero useful information on what went wrong. Did it even start?
There is only 1 cert which expires end of this month, no hurry yet.
What is going on?
I found logs. Renew is broken.
syno-letsencrypt: syno-letsencrypt.cpp:311 can not find renew.json. [No such file or directory][/usr/syno/etc/certificate/_archive/7knl2r/renew.json]