Switch to ISRG Root: What changed?

Last year you announced a 5 year transition period before removing the cross-signing of Let's Encrypt certificates:

We’ll need to wait for the vast majority of those [older clients] to cycle out of the Web ecosystem. We expect this will take at least five more years, so we plan to use a cross signature until then.

To me, that sounded like a reasonable estimate given historical rates of technology upgrades.

The recent announcement has shortened that time frame to approx. 3 years (2021) at best (assuming all certificate issuers can reconfigure their systems in the time between the required certbot feature being released and the switchover in July 2019).

I'm interested to know what has changed in the past 8 months to support the conclusion that this new timeframe is a more appropriate choice than the one announced last year?

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Note that the DST root expires on September 30, 2021, so the existing cross-signature won’t be accepted by browsers after that date.

Note that the DST root expires on September 30, 2021, so the existing cross-signature won’t be accepted by browsers after that date.

Right, so the quote that luckyrat found makes it seem like ISRG intended to get a new cross signature from a different root until their own root was better established. I'm also curious what changed there.

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