Hey there I love using letsencrypt but would like to use it programmatically in a system I am building. There isn't really a human/developer friendly documentation right now for the API, if there is one, or anything detailing the process and steps to call an API right now.
I'd really like to see something like swagger and maybe a readthedocs styled explanation walking a developer through using the API.
Certbot is great but the operations I'm looking to do involves securing internet servers that do not leave inbound connections open to the entire web, which involves verifying DNS. This involves being able to determine which API calls to make and in what order, in a way that is maintainable, which means having a decent guide to follow to ensure it is being done to spec.
Thank you and if there is a decent starting place where I could interpret and even help code some of this or write the documentation, I'm happy to help but it would be great to have someone familiar with the project point me in the right direction.
The ACME API itself is a little unusual in terms of API "shape", in particular things like the signed payloads etc don't really lends themselves to being described by an OpenAPI definition (as far as I know).
For DNS APIs there are literally thousands of them and they're all different, so it depends who your DNS provider is.
For securing web servers, if you want to block http (TCP port 80) incoming you should ideally still allow incoming /.well-known/acme-challenge requests (using an web application firewall etc), that way you can respond to http challenges but otherwise block http.