We’re getting closer! We’ve got an allocation, and now need to do some configuration work on the server side. We’ll announce here when it’s ready. We’re excited about IPv6 too!
Great to hear! Thanks for chiming in @jsha!
Is there any idea of the horizon when ipv6 will be available?
Are we talking week of months?
No timeframe AFAIK. The two biggest hurdles were being assigned a block (done) and configuring/securing it (in progress). There’s no knowing how long that may take unless a staff member posts something (which they’re not inclined to do since it’s not high priority so could get bumped for more serious issues).
You may find that the DNS-01 challenge could suit your purposes in the meantime if it becomes available before IPv6-only.
Hi all,
I just wanted to ask if/suggest that someone is monitoring the logs for http-01 validation to see how frequently one fails with the error "“detail”:"No IPv4 addresses found for ", to help guage the audience that would benefit from this enhancement. Most likely folks who encounter this failure will try once and give up, so the only value it adds is some visibility into the number of unique hosts/users/networks that would benefit from this functionality. I myself participate in 3 different projects where we are looking into increased use of IPV6-only hosts, but it conflicts with an initiative of ours to begin securing everything with LetsEncrypt. We can kludge one-time validations together manually via DNS-01, but not automatic renewal.
Good idea, @FliesLikeABrick. Filed an issue.
Would love ipv6 support too.
Looking forward to IPv6 and Let’s Encrypt compatibility.
I’d also love to see IPv6-only host support
It’s on the upcoming features with a ETA set to tomorrow.
How about adding an IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel or a vpn service that can assign IPv6 address on the edge server (or a trusted external server that has dual-stack addresses)? When the v6-in-v4 tunnel or vpn connection is established between the real server and the edge server, the real server will have IPv6 access.
(Certainly, native IPv6 is the best choice.)
I have many IPv4-only and IPv6-only websites,which use two domain names to differentiate IPv4 and IPv6 services.So I really hope that the support for IPv6-only hosts/domain names can be implemented quickly.
Now it states ETA: Before April 22, 2016
-> today
Looking forward. It can only be a matter of days…
Thank you so much for all the work!
Still not working whit ipv6 only domains
For those intending to actually test the functionality, please subscribe to the GitHub issue here instead of posting complaints or requesting updates.
luck to find this feature will come when I use let’s encrypt on a ipv6-only host
For the second time the “due date” of the https://letsencrypt.org/upcoming-features/ has passed away and IPv6 isn’t working.
IPv6 support is now enabled on the staging server. Please test it out! If you run into any problems, please reply as a linked topic so we don’t clutter up the main thread too much with debugging.
Tested a few IPv6 only hosts and works like a charm!
So How long will we wait for IPv6 on the acme-v01? I am looking forward to it.
IPv6 is now fully supported. Thanks for your support in getting here!