Subject alternative names

Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g., so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.

My domain

I ran this command:

It produced this output:

My web server is (include version):

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):

My hosting provider, if applicable, is:

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know):

I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):

The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you’re using Certbot):

i have automation running on azure the first request is from certbot that includes alternative names
but when acme-challenge run in renews without the alternative names.

attached the renewal acme process

Create a state object and save it to the harddrive

$state = New-ACMEState -Path $env:TEMP

$serviceName = ‘LetsEncrypt’

Fetch the service directory and save it in the state

Get-ACMEServiceDirectory $state -ServiceName $serviceName -PassThru;

Get the first anti-replay nonce

New-ACMENonce $state;

Create an account key. The state will make sure it’s stored.

New-ACMEAccountKey $state -PassThru;

Register the account key with the acme service. The account key will automatically be read from the state

New-ACMEAccount $state -EmailAddresses $EmailAddress -AcceptTOS;

Load an state object to have service directory and account keys available

$state = Get-ACMEState -Path $env:TEMP;

It might be neccessary to acquire a new nonce, so we’ll just do it for the sake of the example.

New-ACMENonce $state -PassThru;

Create the identifier for the DNS name

$identifier = New-ACMEIdentifier $domain;

Create the order object at the ACME service.

$order = New-ACMEOrder $state -Identifiers $identifier;

Fetch the authorizations for that order

$authZ = Get-ACMEAuthorization -State $state -Order $order;

Select a challenge to fullfill

$challenge = Get-ACMEChallenge $state $authZ “http-01”;

Inspect the challenge data


Create the file requested by the challenge

$fileName = $env:TMP + ‘’ + $challenge.Token;

Set-Content -Path $fileName -Value $challenge.Data.Content -NoNewline;

$blobName = “.well-known/acme-challenge/” + $challenge.Token

$storageAccount = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $STResourceGroupName -Name $storageName

$ctx = $storageAccount.Context

Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $fileName -Container “public” -Context $ctx -Blob $blobName

Signal the ACME server that the challenge is ready

$challenge | Complete-ACMEChallenge $state;

Wait a little bit and update the order, until we see the states

while($order.Status -notin (“ready”,“invalid”)) {

Start-Sleep -Seconds 10;

$order | Update-ACMEOrder $state -PassThru;


We should have a valid order now and should be able to complete it

Therefore we need a certificate key

$certKey = New-ACMECertificateKey -Path “$env:TEMP$domain.key.xml”;

Complete the order - this will issue a certificate singing request

Complete-ACMEOrder $state -Order $order -CertificateKey $certKey;

Now we wait until the ACME service provides the certificate url

while(-not $order.CertificateUrl) {

Start-Sleep -Seconds 15

$order | Update-Order $state -PassThru


As soon as the url shows up we can create the PFX

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String “12345678” -Force -AsPlainText

Export-ACMECertificate $state -Order $order -CertificateKey $certKey -Path “$env:TEMP$domain.pfx” -Password $password;

$tmpPfx = Get-PfxData -FilePath “$env:TEMP$domain.pfx” -Password $password

Export-PfxCertificate -PFXData $tmpPfx -FilePath “$env:TEMP\fullchain.pfx” -Password $password -ChainOption BuildChain

Delete blob to check DNS

Remove-AzureStorageBlob -Container “public” -Context $ctx -Blob $blobName


$appgw = Get-AzureRmApplicationGateway -ResourceGroupName $AGResourceGroupName -Name $AGName

Set-AzApplicationGatewaySSLCertificate -Name $AGOldCertName -ApplicationGateway $appgw -CertificateFile “$env:TEMP\fullchain.pfx” -Password $password

Set-AzapplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $appgw


Here, you are only passing in a single domain name to New-ACMEOrder. You can pass an array of domains as the -Identifiers argument, and each of these identifiers will be a SAN on the certificate. There is an example of SAN usage here:

Keep in mind that this means that the order will contain multiple authorizations, and you will need to loop over them and solve them. There is an example of looping over authorizations here:

wow king again thanks appreciate your help
ill do some test and update

tried this way but get errors
$domain = $DnsName

$EmailAddress = $ContactEmails

$STResourceGroupName = $letsencryptResourceGroupName

$storageName = $letsencryptStorageAccountName

$AGResourceGroupName = $wafresourcegroupname

$AGName = $wafname

$AGOldCertName = $DnsName


Import-Module Az.Storage

Import-Module PKI

Azure Login

If Runbook for Azure Automation

$connection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name AzureRunAsConnection

connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $connection.TenantID -ApplicationID $connection.ApplicationID -CertificateThumbprint $connection.CertificateThumbprint

Create a state object and save it to the harddrive

$state = New-ACMEState -Path $env:TEMP

$serviceName = ‘LetsEncrypt’

$acmeStateDir = New-ACMEState -Path $env:TEMP;

$dnsIdentifiers = @(“”,“”,“”);

Fetch the service directory and save it in the state

Get-ACMEServiceDirectory $state -ServiceName $serviceName -PassThru;

Get the first anti-replay nonce

New-ACMENonce $state;

Create an account key. The state will make sure it’s stored.

New-ACMEAccountKey $state -PassThru;

Register the account key with the acme service. The account key will automatically be read from the state

New-ACMEAccount $state -EmailAddresses $EmailAddress -AcceptTOS;

Load an state object to have service directory and account keys available

$state = Get-ACMEState -Path $env:TEMP;

It might be neccessary to acquire a new nonce, so we’ll just do it for the sake of the example.

New-ACMENonce $state -PassThru;

Create the identifier for the DNS name

$identifier = New-ACMEIdentifier $dnsIdentifiers;

Create the order object at the ACME service.

$order = New-ACMEOrder -State $acmeStateDir -Identifiers $dnsIdentifiers;

Fetch the authorizations for that order

$authZ = Get-ACMEAuthorization -State $state -Order $order;

Select a challenge to fullfill

$challenge = Get-ACMEChallenge $state $authZ “http-01”;

Inspect the challenge data


Create the file requested by the challenge

$fileName = $env:TMP + ‘’ + $challenge.Token;

Set-Content -Path $fileName -Value $challenge.Data.Content -NoNewline;

$blobName = “.well-known/acme-challenge/” + $challenge.Token

$storageAccount = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $STResourceGroupName -Name $storageName

$ctx = $storageAccount.Context

Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $fileName -Container “public” -Context $ctx -Blob $blobName

Signal the ACME server that the challenge is ready

$challenge | Complete-ACMEChallenge $state;

Wait a little bit and update the order, until we see the states

while($order.Status -notin (“ready”,“invalid”)) {

Start-Sleep -Seconds 10;

$order | Update-ACMEOrder $state -PassThru;


We should have a valid order now and should be able to complete it

Therefore we need a certificate key

$certKey = New-ACMECertificateKey -Path “$env:TEMP$domain.key.xml”;

Complete the order - this will issue a certificate singing request

Complete-ACMEOrder $state -Order $order -CertificateKey $certKey;

Now we wait until the ACME service provides the certificate url

while(-not $order.CertificateUrl) {

Start-Sleep -Seconds 15

$order | Update-Order $state -PassThru


As soon as the url shows up we can create the PFX

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String “12345678” -Force -AsPlainText

Export-ACMECertificate $state -Order $order -CertificateKey $certKey -Path “$env:TEMP$domain.pfx” -Password $password;

$tmpPfx = Get-PfxData -FilePath “$env:TEMP$domain.pfx” -Password $password

Export-PfxCertificate -PFXData $tmpPfx -FilePath “$env:TEMP\fullchain.pfx” -Password $password -ChainOption BuildChain

Delete blob to check DNS

Remove-AzureStorageBlob -Container “public” -Context $ctx -Blob $blobName


$appgw = Get-AzureRmApplicationGateway -ResourceGroupName $AGResourceGroupName -Name $AGName

Set-AzApplicationGatewaySSLCertificate -Name $AGOldCertName -ApplicationGateway $appgw -CertificateFile “$env:TEMP\fullchain.pfx” -Password $password

Set-AzapplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $appgw

  • $identifier = New-ACMEIdentifier $dnsIdentifiers;
  •                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  * CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [New-ACMEIdentifier], ParameterBindingArgumentTransformationException
  * FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentTransformationError,New-ACMEIdentifier

Get-ACMEChallenge : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'Authorization'. Cannot convert the
"System.Object[]" value of type "System.Object[]" to type "AcmeAuthorization".
At line:183 char:39

* $challenge = Get-ACMEChallenge $state $authZ "http-01";

As hinted, multiple domains means there will be multiple authorizations - one for each domain. You need to loop over them individually, as in the example code.

It may be better to use the ACME-PS samples as a starting point, rather than trying to retrofit your existing PS script.

thanks i created some script but now on the domain i have this error
Server returned Problem (Status: 403).´nOrder’s status (“invalid”) is not acceptable for finalization (Server returned Problem (Status: 403).´nOrder’s status (“invalid”) is not acceptable for finalization)

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