My staging account got disabled and I want to know if it can be re-enabled. I am using Terraform ACME provider. I was attempting to move from stage to prod and got messed up.
Thanks for the info. Can I use same email and just create new private key to create a new letsencrypt account? or do I need to use a new email address?
Terraform ACME is aggressive in deactivating accounts and revoking certificates when terraform destroy is run. My read of this discussion indicates that the recommendation is to manage your ACME account separately from the certificates so that you can scope the destroy.
It isn't possible to reactivate a deactivated account. You will always have to create a new one. The ACME protocol itself says that its a one way trip draft-ietf-acme-acme-18
ACME does not provide a way to reactivate a deactivated account.