SSL Renewal getting fail showing The certificate will expire in 4 days

Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g., so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.

My domain is: &

I ran this command: certbot-auto renew

It produced this output: new certificate deployed with reload of nginx server; fullchain is

Congratulations, all renewals succeeded. The following certs have been renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ (success)
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ (success)

My web server is (include version): nginx version: nginx/1.15.6

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

My hosting provider, if applicable, is:

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know): Yes

I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): No

The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you’re using Certbot):

Hi @adityakamble

checking your domain -

There are some new certificates:

Issuer not before not after Domain names LE-Duplicate next LE
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2020-03-20 2020-06-18 - 1 entries duplicate nr. 3
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2020-03-19 2020-06-17 - 1 entries duplicate nr. 2
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2020-03-19 2020-06-17 - 1 entries duplicate nr. 1
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2020-03-19 2020-06-17 - 1 entries duplicate nr. 1

And they are used:
expires in 85 days - 1 entry

is one,
expires in 51 days - 1 entry

is a second. So your urls are good, there is no critical problem visible.

Which url has a 4-days certificate?


I had checked on its showing The certificate will expire in 4 days, when i run on 19/03/2020 its showing renew successfull but showing 4 days, could you please help me is it need to replace certificate ??

new certificate deployed with reload of nginx server; fullchain is

Congratulations, all renewals succeeded. The following certs have been renewed:
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ (success)
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ (success)

Please read the output.

That's an old cached result, created 2020-03-09.

Thanks for your reply
but how can i confirm the ssl is renew???
or need to replace certificate??

please help me out.

ask your browser. or go here:

Alternative names
Serial Number 038e1c3333c6d07e0939e9e16c5ff0052b1e
Valid from Fri, 14 Feb 2020 03:04:51 UTC
Valid until Thu, 14 May 2020 03:04:51 UTC (expires in 1 month and 19 days)
Alternative names
Serial Number 04738d1f9ef0c407e3e5c2ab3c1fb43746a8
Valid from Thu, 19 Mar 2020 16:32:51 UTC
Valid until Wed, 17 Jun 2020 16:32:51 UTC (expires in 2 months and 24 days)

Hello Sir

my domain is and

there have some error like --[error] 1263#1263: *8848 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer)

so i need to confirm is there any issue with ssl

is there need to delete old certificate

when i checked on firefox output is given below

The certificate will expire in 70 days. A reminder is already set up.

None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered ( You may receive an error when accessing this site in a web browser. Learn more about name mismatch errors.

One of the certificates is signed with a SHA1 signature. We recommend that you reissue or replace this certificate with one that uses a SHA-2 signature. Contact your SSL provider about how to do this. Read more about the SHA-1 deprecation here.

not a problem

Where? I don't see this.

i had checked on firefox, sslshopper after same showing 4 days from cache.

but i have received below error is there related ssl.

there have some error like --[error] 1263#1263: *8848 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer)

I solved some captchas for you and now it tells 85 days for both (which is not right). Stop using that website. :smiley:

thanks sir for your help…

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