Some challenges are failed

I don't think the --apache plugin supports Tomcat syntax. Do both of your failing domains have the JkMount statement? Do the ones that work have that?

I think in the long-run you would be better off using the --webroot option with Tomcat. The --webroot will not read or update your Tomcat config at all. Which also means you need to manually make the port 443 VirtualHosts. Use the ones you already have as a template for new ones. There is also Mozilla's configurator (Certbot follows that configurator too). Avoid HSTS and Stapling until you fully understand what those do. Can easily cause trouble.

You can test --webroot for camera with

sudo certbot certonly --dry-run --webroot -w /var/www/app -d

If that works remove --dry-run and add --deploy-hook to reload Tomcat when you get a fresh cert like

sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/app -d --deploy-hook 'Tomcat-Command'

Where Tomcat-Command is whatever you need for a graceful reload of Tomcat

Also refer to this thread for suggestions on setting up port 80 VirtualHost for redirects and HTTP Challenge.