Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g. |, so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.
I don't know Windows well enough to help but I see a couple odd things. You say you are using Windows IIS server but I see Apache and nginx responding. Having two servers is odd by itself not to mention neither is what you say it should be. Can you explain?
Also, the second test request gets redirected (the 302). But, the Location looks wrong. You have an IP address in front of your domain name. And, that IP is not the one in the DNS for your server even. This is not affecting the HTTP Challenge but points to a likely problem elsewhere.
That's a problem. Your DNS A record should be your public IP address but it is this instead:
A Address:
AAAA Address: 2001:8d8:100f:f000::200
I don't know how to check IPv6 address on a Windows Server 2016 but your AAAA address is also probably wrong. You could delete that until you find out what it should be. Let's Encrypt will try to use IPv6 address if one is present.
Your www subdomain has the same wrong IP addresses in the DNS
@maheshjain please be aware that DNS has caching with a Time To Live (TTL) that is in the DNS SOA record, so your DNS A record change may not be instantaneously to the Internet.
It looks like your DNS now points to your IIS Server.
You might want to try getting a Let's Encrypt cert. I see you got a cert from ZeroSSL about 6H ago. Although, your server is not using it and your https config in IIS seems faulty.
Since you are just starting and seem inexperienced, you might try using Certify The Web instead of win-acme. It's a popular gui and may be easier to use. It is on the Let's Encrypt list (here)
Nothing wrong with win-acme. Just giving you another option.
Yes Its pointing to my IIS server now after I changed dns to my new webhosting dns.
Also lets encrypt ssl done now..
Issue left is when I browse "" from local IIS or public internet my default webpage is not loading and just blank. But when I type Url like - "" it loads the default page..I don't know why this new issue appeared.