Running Certbot on Windows - Phase 1

Pre-Reqs and Environment

I have made a small mistake here as I used Python 3.6 initially.

I ended up doing the following:

Installed Python 2.7 and Python 3.6 create two virtual environments.

I will run through the python 3.6 install build

I prefer to install python in Python36 directory under the root folder (i.e C:)

Once done run python and pip to confirm everything is working

Install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

You can then run virtualenv to create 2 virtual environments.

Below you can see I have python 2.7 and 3.6 installed and a virtual environment for certbot on python 2.7 and 3.6

If all works well you should be able to run the certbot command and get an error like the one below