Root X2 alternate chain for ECDSA opt-in accounts

When you request a certificate with ACME, our servers provide your ACME client with a recommended certificate chain to go with it. For subscribers who are using ECDSA and who have joined the production allow list, that recommended certificate chain looks like this:

end-entity certificate <-- E1 <-- ISRG Root X2 <-- ISRG Root X1

As we said in the past:

Happily, Root X2 has made significant progress into trust stores. Soon, our servers will begin providing an alternate certificate chain for ECDSA certificates issued to accounts which have opted-in to an ECDSA certificate path via the production allow list. The alternative chain will terminate at Root X2 as the trust anchor:

end-entity certificate <-- E1 <-- ISRG Root X2

This will allow clients which receive certificates issued by E1 to select the shortest, ECDSA-only, lowest-compatibility chain if they want to. They will still get the chain which includes the X2-cross-signed-by-X1 certificate by default.

Our planned date for this change to production is Wednesday, 9 August 2023.

Today we're updating our Staging environment to offer the alternate chain anchored at the staging (STAGING) Bogus Broccoli X2, to assist with testing this change.


The shorter ECDSA chain is now available as an alternate certificate chain for ECDSA certificates issued to accounts which have opted-in to an ECDSA certificate path.