"Please choose an account" - how to delete an account


I have problems to get a new let's encrypt certificate for the domain

it tells me to choose an account, but ispconfig can't handle this question.

Choices: ['webhosting2.klartextmedia.de@2019-07-07T15:13:06Z (b255)', 'webhosting8@2022-07-13T18:51:28Z (7f91)', 'webhosting2.klartextmedia.de@2017-12-07T13:20:25Z (a8c3)']
but webhosting2 isn't online any more. How can I delete this account? Recieving E-Mail is stilll possible

Hello @klartextmedia, welcome to the Let's Encrypt community. :slightly_smiling_face:

Then you might need to change ISP or change your account name to be a valid email address.

as this looks totally weird to me.


Please provide the complete output of the applicable command.

It might be that ISPConfig uses Certbot internally, but I don't know exactly how. I'm also not sure if ISPConfig runs Certbot as root, or as a non-root user.

You might try to run sudo certbot certificates to see if a) that command works to begin with and b) if the output corresponds with what ISPConfig tells you. From that we can look further.

Note that Certbot stores the hostname of the server at the time of creating the account in the account metadata file. So it's perfectly possible for Certbot to show an older hostname. It does not correspond with any actual hostname, only when the account was created.


Hello @klartextmedia, welcome to the Let's Encrypt community. :slightly_smiling_face:

thank you :slight_smile:

i found the solution, somehow there was a copy of the letsencrypt account from the old server webhosting2 on webhosting8 (in /etc/letsencrypt/accounts/...), but this migration is over 6 months ago and that problem never occured since then. no idea, but it worked after deleting the config jsons there.


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