I had my http server redirect with a 301 to https at HAProxy level. Now I’m unable to authorize the request as the request is being blocked because of HSTS.
Is there a way to clear the cache in Letsencrypt to circumvent the 301 which I disabled at the moment?
So the 301 is not enabled anymore, but as Letsencrypt did cache the 301, I’m unable to make the certification request on my server, meaning I have locked in myself to do the request.
Does anyone have an idea how I can bypass the HSTS or how I can get rid of those 301 redirects and just use my http endpoint?
You have the problem with Google Chrome, but Let’s Encrypt won’t have that issue. HSTS and a permanent redirect shouldn’t be a problem and are actually pretty common and the expected setup longterm. Let’s Encrypt follows the redirect, so your problem is a different one.
I had to put the acme challenge folders above my domain directories and not inside them (during the renewal process). I’ve found out about it after looking at the Apache error_log and a couple of erroneous acme challenge attempts. I have HSTS enabled by .htaccess btw.