we need a monthly/weekly aggregated report of performance and availability metrics of letsencrypt. Can anyone guide me to get those data ?
@dancvrcek created a third-party service to monitor Let’s Encrypt: https://keychest.net/letsencrypt
The method and data are perhaps not perfect, but it’s probably a lot more informative than the official status site is.
Maybe you can ask them if they can share some aggregated data with you.
is there any other we can get it ?
4 monitoring points from AWS - downtimes are stacked - each column = 1 hour
Thanks Dan, Can you guide me through how to get that data from my end via keychest ?
@DanCvrcek I noticed that there seem to be some very consistent times of day where you report downtime events - are those in UTC?
@DanCvrcek is there a way that I can integrate this with slack for any downtime ?
Downtime monitor: https://letsencrypt.status.io
Not yet. Now focusing on improvements to support NIST800-53 but it's likely we add notifications in the next couple of months.
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