Owncloud, Lightning and Letsencrypt

Hi everyone,
I have installed Owncloud 8.2.2 on a shared hosting environment. Now the
hoster offers letsencrypt certificates for his customers. I installed
these certificates correctly, and I can access all things on my webspace
by browser correctly. Also sync to Android devices is working properly.
On all my Lightning installations (which is the calendar add-on of
Thunderbird), I get error messages and cannot connect to my calendars
via caldav links.

Where do I have to look for a solution? Does
Lightning import letsencrypt-certificates in a wrong way? Are some
Owncloud config files to be changed?

I asked the same questions in the Lightning forum, but did not yet receive satisfying answers…

Regards, fl

I’m using ownCloud 8.1 with Lightning and a Let’s Encrypt cert without any issues. No changes to either ownCloud or Lightning were necessary - only Apache.

Check your configuration at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ - it’s possible you didn’t correctly configure the intermediate certificate (chain.pem or fullchain.pem depending on the webserver). Your other browsers would still work if they already have it cached.

Hi and thank you for your response.
I tested my domain with ssllabs.com. The results were quite good as I can consider this. Before using LE I had a self-signed cert for my domain - is it possible that these two disturb each other in a way? I’m completely new to this subject…

Regards, fl

maybe one possible issue is on your hoster configuration.
letsencrypt have to use .well-known/acme-challenge/ but caldav need also .well-known/