I recently received your email regarding the discontinuation of expiration notification emails due to operational costs. Given the incredible value Let's Encrypt provides to millions worldwide, including our own platform, we would love to offer our support.
As an Email Service Provider, we specialize in reliable and cost-efficient email infrastructure. If email delivery costs are a concern, we would be happy to set up and maintain an email service for your expiration notifications—completely free of charge. This way, your users can continue receiving important renewal reminders without adding financial strain to your operations.
Please let us know if our assistance would be helpful. We are more than willing to collaborate and ensure uninterrupted communication for your users.
Thank you for reaching out! Please feel free to contact sponsor@abetterinternet.org if you'd like to provide assistance to Let's Encrypt.
Note that the reasons for discontinuing this service are more than just costs, and are primarily driven by PII minimization efforts for privacy improvements, and reducing our need to store private information inside our Certificate Authority systems. Even with the email sending itself being free, we aren't planning to change course here.
Thanks Matthew for the information, let me connect on given email hope team will respond.
No, worries Let's Encrypt discontinue the email notification on expiry service because of PII optimization.
But there are other important communications for which I strongly believe we can surely support you with whatsoever we have.
We always salute mission and vision of your team.