OCSP responder sent invalid "Content-Type" header: "text/html"

SInce 13.01.2018 12:59 the following error message is flooding our NGINX logs on a Debian 8 Server. This affects all Let´s Encrypt domains tied to this server, e.g. bewerbung.menschen-bei-zm-i.de

It does not happen on each request but multiple times a day.

[error] 2102#2102: OCSP responder sent invalid “Content-Type” header: “text/html” while requesting certificate status, responder: ocsp.int-x3.letsencrypt.org, peer:, certificate: “/etc/letsencrypt/live/bewerbung.menschen-bei-zm-i.de/fullchain.pem”

Refer to OCSP Request failed with following message

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