Nginx / digitalocean / wildcard cert

Continuing the discussion from Getting wildcard certificates with Certbot:

So I've got a digitalocean droplet running nginx and need a wildcard cert if I'm going to have any cert. I found examples like the above and have been able to get them to work, but if I stick a --nginx in there, it errors out.

Apparently --nginx is for doing challenges only. Is there a script to automate the cert install on nginx with wildcards, or am I expected to do that plumbing myself?

(The suggested way to use that dns credentials plugin is via Docker; I installed certbot with git clone && cd certbot && python instead. The Docker install can't access the host system nginx to reconfigure it, so there are no examples of such.)


If you use -nginx, an error will definitely pop up....

Since the Nginx flag is representing you choose to use Nginx (authenticator) to validate ACME challenge, currently the only way to obtain an certificate is via DNS validation.

You should use -i nginx for installation on Nginx. (i represent installer)

Thank you

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certbot run -i nginx \
   --preferred-challenges dns-01 \
   --dns-digitalocean \
   --dns-digitalocean-credentials ~/.secret/certbot-digitalocean \
   -d '*' -d ''
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
The requested nginx plugin does not appear to be installed

Haha, that’s easily fixed. cd certbot/certbot-nginx && python install

Thanks, that worked.


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