New client - parse error reading JWS

HI, I'm trying to create my own python acme client and I'm stuck at account creation.

Just as a note I'm using the library to create and sign jws tokens.

Now here is an example of the "new account" post (i'm running pebble inside a container).


I keep receiving "Parse error reading JWS.
Using the website it sees that all the informations are fine! Too using the following pub key it says that the signature is verified.

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Where is the problem?

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Hi @skyscreaper

you send the wrong url.

{"alg":"ES256","jwk":{"crv":"P-256","d":"RGNPIvxXtELIwB7kGp8HT_sCMPy9jFMorpoT7JTOUTI","kid":"BC152GeB-fQKfzfP24JOkl9oeXNTPQlhm3jYinTGdeQ","kty":"EC","x":"ao2VLUpoWe3ONxndiPZUN7aKSFC1Ka-6knxNsvwhXbE","y":"DUd9x3IKDhuAuc2V_1ut_8S41_dVXsQGStpCjuEVCBI"},"nonce":"JKwyoryrHZ_btm10TuQmNw","url": ""}

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I'm using a request to get all the urls:

acme_base_url = "" #(this is my pebble server running in a container)

list_directory = (requests.get(url=acme_base_url+"/dir", verify=False)).json()

new_acct_url = list_directory['newAccount']

printing new_acct_url gives me :

here is the entire answer from the get request:

{'keyChange': '', 'meta': {'externalAccountRequired': False, 'termsOfService': 'data:text/plain,Do%20what%20thou%20wilt'}, 'newAccount': '',
'newNonce': '', 'newOrder': '', 'revokeCert': ''}

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This is happening because you're sending the entire private key in the embedded JWK.

[ ACME ] > b64url -decode
Input data to encode/decode.  End by sending '.'
[ ACME ] > b64url data > eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImp3ayI6eyJjcnYiOiJQLTI1NiIsImQiOiJSR05QSXZ4WHRFTEl3QjdrR3A4SFRfc0NNUHk5akZNb3Jwb1Q3SlRPVVRJIiwia2lkIjoiQkMxNTJHZUItZlFLZnpmUDI0Sk9rbDlvZVhOVFBRbGhtM2pZaW5UR2RlUSIsImt0eSI6IkVDIiwieCI6ImFvMlZMVXBvV2UzT054bmRpUFpVTjdhS1NGQzFLYS02a254TnN2d2hYYkUiLCJ5IjoiRFVkOXgzSUtEaHVBdWMyVl8xdXRfOFM0MV9kVlhzUUdTdHBDanVFVkNCSSJ9LCJub25jZSI6IkpLd3lvcnlySFpfYnRtMTBUdVFtTnciLCJ1cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly8xNzIuMTkuMTkxLjIzNjoxNDAwMC9zaWduLW1lLXVwIn0
... .
{"alg":"ES256","jwk":{"crv":"P-256","d":"RGNPIvxXtELIwB7kGp8HT_sCMPy9jFMorpoT7JTOUTI","kid":"BC152GeB-fQKfzfP24JOkl9oeXNTPQlhm3jYinTGdeQ","kty":"EC","x":"ao2VLUpoWe3ONxndiPZUN7aKSFC1Ka-6knxNsvwhXbE","y":"DUd9x3IKDhuAuc2V_1ut_8S41_dVXsQGStpCjuEVCBI"},"nonce":"JKwyoryrHZ_btm10TuQmNw","url": ""}

See the d parameter? That's the private part of an ECDSA key. You don't want to send that to an ACME server, that's a security blunder that Pebble is stopping you from committing. (Though Pebble should definitely make a much less opaque error).

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My bad... now is working. Anyway I was expecting something like "bad public key"...
Thank you!

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No problem! We've now updated Pebble to return a more specific error message in this case.

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