I am using a program called: Proxytunnel to establish secure communication from my Windows 7 client through a forward proxy server I created in an Apache Virtualhost on my home LAN. I use this to establish a tls encrypted connection to my ssh server on my LAN.
Proxytunnel has an option to specify a CA cert for server certificate verification. I hardly have any idea what this means. I have an Apache website on my LAN which is SSL enabled using Letsencrypt. I have these lines in the Virtualhost:
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/chain.pem
So I used Certbot to create these certificates.
My Goal:
I want to run this Proxytunnel program from a Windows command line. Something like this:
This will connect me through my forward proxy at example.com on port 443 and use the Apache CONNECT to forward to the ssh port 22.
My Question:
The Proxytunnel program has another command line argument -C that allows me to provide a CA cert for server certificate verification. I don't know how to supply this file. The Proxytunnel documentation says:
-C, --cacert=filename/directory
Specify a CA certificate file (or directory containing CA certificate(s)) to trust when verifying a server SSL certificate.
If a directory is provided, it must be prepared with OpenSSL’s c_rehash tool. (default: /etc/ssl/certs)
Can someone advise me how maybe I convert one or all of my Letsencrypt certificates and use it or them as a command line parameter to Proxytunnel program to achieve this client certification authentication?
On Linux, it uses /etc/ssl/certs by default, so the argument can be omitted.
On Windows, I’m not sure if it falls back to anything. You could try including the DST Root and passing that to --cacert. I don’t think you should include your server’s Let’s Encrypt certificate, since it will change every 60-90 days.
I copied the text of that Certificate to a file called root.pem which I just saved into the same directory as the Proxytunnel program and now my new Proxytunnel command is like this:
D:\Application Data\Proxytunnelv1.9.9-32bit>proxytunnel -v -E -C root.pem -p example.com:443 -d
SSL client to proxy enabled
Connected to example.com:443 (local proxy)
Set SNI hostname to example.com
Tunneling to (destination)
Communication with local proxy:
-> Host: example.com
-> Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
<- HTTP/1.0 200 Connection Established
<- Proxy-agent: Apache
Tunnel established.
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4p1 Raspbian-10+deb9u3