Need to secure my internal website


I have an internat website that only my internal user reach it. I mean that site is not public.

My users have to access it using the URLS:

We are having an issue related with our computers browsers, when the users open those links, it says that website is not secure, but the biggest problem we are facing is that when they need to download a PDF file from there, it is blocked by the browser, and we have to go and clic on download anyway no matter if it is not secure. Of course is secure because the website is hosted in an internal server, but the Microsoft Edge does not trust on it.

How can I install a certificate and let it work for at least 1 year or more if this certificate is issued with LetsEncript?

Hello @daniel.segura, welcome to the Let's Encrypt community. :slightly_smiling_face:



Hi @Bruce5051, in that case what can be the solution to implement and resolve this situation, I have asked to use a SSL certificate but it has to be FQDN or published throug a Public IP address, also I have seen that I should purchase a Code Signin Certificate but is very expensive. One of my last resources was try to use a lets encrypt certificate, but you say that is not possible.

Thanks in advance.

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Let’s Encrypt offers Domain Validation (DV) certificates.

Does Let’s Encrypt issue certificates for anything other than SSL/TLS for websites?
"Let’s Encrypt certificates are standard Domain Validation certificates, so you can use them for any server that uses a domain name, like web servers, mail servers, FTP servers, and many more.

Email encryption and code signing require a different type of certificate that Let’s Encrypt does not issue."

There is the DNS-01 challenge of the Challenge Types - Let's Encrypt that might work well for you.
And here is a list of DNS providers who easily integrate with Let's Encrypt DNS validation


Hi @Bruce5051 for your reply.

One more question, based on my needs, should I generate one certificate by every subdomain, I am thinking on that because they are not going to be validated externally to use the TXT record, Am I ok or Am I lost?

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@daniel.segura I personally think using one wildcard (i.e. * certificate would be find.

Do remember certificate life time is 90 day and it is suggest to renew them at 2/3 of their life (i.e. at 60 days).
So automating deployment would likely be of value.


Hi @Bruce5051 thanks for all your suggestions, now I have more information on how to proceed

Best regards


Have a pleasant day @daniel.segura :slight_smile:


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