I need to renew my wildcard certificate. My domain is manged & hosted by Godaddy.
Can i do this with certbot renew command?
If Yes, then do i have to update the TXT record and will there be any update i need to do with my subdomian certificates created from my wildcard certificate?
Thanks for the reply.
One more thing:
If i am renewing certificate with the command "certbot certonly -d “obotworld-videoplatform.com” -d “*.obotworld-videoplatform.com” -a manual --preferred-challenges dns"
Is there anything i need to change on my subdomain certificates? I have 2 3 subdomain JKS certs for this wildcard domain.
If you use this certificate somewhere that requires a JKS-format certificate, then you need to convert the renewed certificate PEM (fullchain.pem and privkey.pem) into JKS format, after each renewal. This is because the renewed certificate is technically a completely new and distinct certificate.
For this reason, it's preferable to use automation rather than manually doing stuff.