Missing account ID for ECDSA allowlist request

My regr.json should contain an account ID to be used during the request for the ECDSA allowlist.

Instead my regr.json contains:

{"body": {"contact": ["mailto:japs@bistruphave.dk"], "agreement": "https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.0.1-July-27-2015.pdf", "key": {"e": "AQAB", "kty": "RSA", "n": "wevJgEXeg7A2UiHzUiTT4btYSKgtLnjejmAGLNPbNw_N1m3AXeeRoGyyBlghVGetIi0OrtpSWLV5gNSfJCEgwKujgR9sMsX1P9YoneoIV77zpg5uqVSQXneIuBS_aXoOy3UzqOHe5tllEDMSJRsQm8yLHcQVaP0DODAc9ejL42sRfmuiiddLtha8evc4RvqqMjcTMATgJPWFK5glunwsVEfDo1G2JZR1jBapFzFduFcCtg2EzhJgUbm7JaYGVZe4e6d7Npdv-Uo5bB3Qb9IMjts1Fvq7dAuWkZUIC7xVvN8qmWelB0fixQ-Pc5Vz-xpHiZxpvbQkFGBSr8R3oyQkfw"}}, "uri": "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/reg/4768", "new_authzr_uri": "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-authz", "terms_of_service": "https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.0.1-July-27-2015.pdf"}

So, how do I get on the ECDSA allowlist ?

That's a v1 API account. Is that the only account present?

Yes, at it works when I renew the certificate (and is based in R3)

It seems ACMEv1 accounts were migrated to ACMEv2:

Maybe it's just as simple as just using your v1 account URI https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/reg/4768?

Let's ask @lestaff if the migrated ACMEv1 accounts to the ACMEv2 endpoint are also usable in the ECDSA whitelist form. If so, maybe the form or Finding Account IDs - Let's Encrypt should reflect this possibility.

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When I got into allowlist I used the number at the end of my v1 acct url, 4768 in OP's case.

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Yes, we can use that ACME account ID! Please put that one into the ECDSA allowlist request form.

@JamesLE ^ another one with the v1 ACME account ID string (just for awareness)


Thanks, done.

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