Letsencrypt renewal error

I ran this command:
It produced this output:

My operating system is (include version):
centos 6.5
My web server is (include version):

An error occurs as shown in the screen shot above. Why?


The --manual plugin is interactive (it pauses and asks you to perform a task), but letsencrypt-auto renew is designed to be run non-interactively (for example, automatically from cron) and therefore refuses to pause for human interaction.

To perform a renewal that requires interaction, you can’t use letsencrypt-auto renew. Instead, you should use

letsencrypt-auto certonly --force-renewal --cert-name toonipang.com

A difference between this form and letsencrypt-auto renew is that letsencrypt-auto renew only renews certificates if they are near expiry, while with --force-renewal, the command I suggested will renew that specific certificate immediately, regardless of whether it’s near expiry or not.

Hi @pangpang,

You issued your cert using the manual option so to renew it non interactively you need to add the path to a script to option --manual-auth-hook inside the /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/toonipang.com.conf file, this script should be able to perform the same steps that you should perform manually and these steps could be hard to implement in a script.

The other option is to run the same manual command and follow again the instructions interactively... the same as you did the first time.


Thank you very much.

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