Letsencrypt Error: rateLimited :: There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for: example.com?

I am getting “letsencrypt Error: rateLimited :: There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for: example.com

My question if I renew to often, at what time this limit is gone?

Rate limit on registrations per IP is now 10 per 3 hours up from 10 per day.
Rate limit on certificates per Name is now 10 per 59 days up from 6 per 59 days.



I registerd 4 certs for one ip last 3 Days but i now get the message " Error creating new cert :: Too many certificates already issued for: example.com"

Have one domain with 3 certs (subdomains) with different root dirs. I registed it with --webroot method. (because Apache 2.2. bug) 3 Domains are working well - the 4th generate the error.

mikeskril wrote 10 per 3 hours - but i have not registered one in the last 5 hours. Last attemt is 8 hours ago. What do i wrong? How many certs per IP are possible?

You might have run into the certificates per domain limit - did you previously issue any certificates for any domain you’re requesting a certificate now? The limit is 5 certificates per domain in 7 days, based on TLD+1 (i.e. example.com, www.example.com, foobar.example.com all increase the counter for example.com)

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No i have currently 3 certificates. (www and 2 subdomains). But i have tried the certificate for the 3th subdomain serveral times. But it fails by a other error (Webroot installation failed)
I have found the issue: I have a .htacces redirect in the root directory. (rewrite rule) . i have now temporary disabled it but i now run into limit.
Conclusio - currently i have only 3 cers in my “live” directory.

Just to make sure, I’d recommend running a search via https://crt.sh to see all certificates issued by LE for your TLD+1 (i.e. example.com).

Thank you for your tip!!!
There are 2 certificates for the www

Don’t know why ther are 2 but so it’s 5 (including one cert from 2nd server). So i have to wait.
Thanky you for help. I will post result for .htacess error if it’s work next week.

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A post was split to a new topic: Problem with rate limit

A post was split to a new topic: Too many certificates created