Letsencrypt Certificate with Squid3 Proxy on Debian?


I am trying to setup a squid proxy to work with HTTPs sites.
I am trying different guides, but cannot get further. Is a letsencrypt certificate compatible with squid proxies?


I’m not understanding exactly what you want to do.

Are you after using an LE cert to encrypt between the proxy and browser for sites which have http ?

or are you trying to act as a “man in the middle” between a users browser and a https site ? ( if so I really wouldn’t want you as a “man in the middle” between me and my bank, reading my password and other information :wink:


Even I am also looking for the same thing but I want to use this certificate as man in the middle with squid on pfsense, so that I don’t have to install the self signed certificate to in every ones trusted root. Specially Mobile devices or the traffic which is coming from the wireless routers.