Let's Encrypt ssl renewal can't work for me

Hi ,
when i try to renewal with this command **
** sudo certbot certonly -a webroot --webroot-path=/var/www/html -d mydomain.com -d www.mydomain.com

i get this error

Failed authorization procedure. www.arabictorrent.co (http-01): urn:acme:error:unauthorized :: The client lacks sufficient authorization :: Invalid response from http://www.arabictorrent.co/.well-known/acme-challenge/gn7lY7gcOr2A2EjJDkHr24K8ivNAjPWrGgADxs96_Pg:

arabictorrent.co (http-01): urn:acme:error:unauthorized :: The client lacks sufficient authorization :: Invalid response from http://arabictorrent.co/.well-known/acme-challenge/rZFydsSUuAP5Uc-eAr77-jZFCKwOOfJJEIc1x_MmwJw:
404 Not Found


**i checked .well-known folder its here but acme-challenge not found so i added it and try again the crebot command but the same error **
what can i do ?

Place a testfile (test.txt) in the directory .well-known/acme-challenge/. Can you then access it via http://arabictorrent.co/.well-known/acme-challenge/test.txt?

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its here and yes it work fine

OK, then just try again with your certbot commandline :slight_smile:

thank you for your help, the problem it was on .well-known and acme-challenge folders permissions i change it to 777 and now it work fine :slight_smile:

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