Let's Encrypt on shared hosting Locaweb is possible?

Hello everyone.

I am a web developer , and I have a prolema . The budget for a website and the delivery date already ended and I believed it possible to place the certificate Let’s (free) on the site .

What happens is that the server hosting that I have, is shared ( Locaweb ) , not me of the many possibilities via ssh . Already hired a fixed IP and it seems that the only thing I have is allowed to generate the key / CSR in ssh , for shipment to the certifier .

The localweb me provides two commands one to generate the key to 1024 bits or 2048 bits.

I’ve tried to download the Let’s files available on github , and clone on my hosting . When running get permission denied .

In the end you can have this certificate on my site?

Try my client:

It doesn’t require root.

thanks for the help , I believe I have achieved almost every goal .

all it took was two commands:

At the moment I have generated three .CER files:

  • www.domain.cer
  • fullchain.cer
  • ca.cer

The hosting company that I have insisted that I request a validation of these three files to my certification ’ Let’s . And then move to them that they finalization configuration .
What should I do now?
Where do this " validation "

Yes, your certificate is successfully issued.

you should contact your hosting company support to install the cert to your website.

Good night

I contacted the hosting company . They asked a key “.CRT”. Without the key “.CRT” , they can not install the certificate.

How do I get this key “.CRT” ?


Thank you.

the domain.cer file is the same as domain.crt file.

You can rename domain.cer to domain.crt.

As in your case, I think you should provide domain.cer and domain.key files to your hosting company.


Again, thank you for your cooperation .
I talked about the CRT for hosting company, hope it works .
When finished , I’ll write a tutorial . rsrsrsrsrrs

Good afternoon.
Again the Locaweb demonstrates the unwillingness of them .
Now asked me the files ".KEY " and " .CA " .

The " .KEY " already identified …
But the " .CA " no . I have a file " ca.cer " I can rename it to " ca.ca " ?
This is the same principle used with the " .CER to .CRT " ?

Good night.
Again the Locaweb demonstrates the unwillingness of them .
Now asked me the files ".KEY " and " .CA " .

The " .KEY " already identified …
But the " .CA " no . I have a file " ca.cer " I can rename it to " ca.ca " ?
This is the same principle used with the " .CER to .CRT " ?

yes, you are right.

the ca.cer is the ca.ca

Just do it.


@Neilpang: your tool seems to be very good. I installed it on my Webserver and wanted to create an certificate for an domain located under /var/www/vhosts/

It breaks by verifying with the error: Invalid response from http:// .well-known/acme-challenge/
It is a new domain that will be directed to my server soon. Can be the reason that the DNS recods are currently not routing to my server? Created as virtual host is the domain already…

thank you for help

Hi @dpone

You can report issues here:

And here is a guide :

Thank you, but I already know about the guide, but I have an error using the tool not with the install guide.1
I don’t have an account for git and doesn’t wish to have one for one problem.

But thanks anyway

Thank you friends .
It worked !
I’m active certificate.

Thank you.

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