"Let’s Encrypt: Error finalizing order :: Rechecking CAA for \ "

Hi, this topic continues the discussion of closed forum: LE is not issuing cert for unknown reason.

In order to figure out if there is any issue at Akamai DNS server end, our engineering team needs details around which Name server is failing as the query would be ran from LE side and we won't have details if it fails at registerar level. Could you provide dig+trace result or any log from your end on which NS it is failing?

If you can provide the info requested above, could you advise what's the proper communication channel between Akamai and LE to tackle this issue?

Further to our investigation, we didn't see any SERVFAIL or ERROR in our EDNS logs. We believe the rate limiting is happening at the root / TLD .com.au. So could you share the dig+trace from your end? It will tell us where exactly the error is from.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: LE is not issuing cert for unknown reason