I run LetsEncrypt on Aegir, a Drupal mass-hosting system and LE certs used to be generated just fine until recently, when I started getting these errors:
INFO: Using main config file /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt/config [warning]
ERROR: An error occurred while sending post-request to [warning] https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-authz (Status 400)
Details: [warning]
{ [warning]
"type": "urn:acme:error:badNonce", [warning]
"detail": "JWS has no anti-replay nonce", [warning]
"status": 400 [warning]
} [warning]
Failed to generate Let's Encrypt certificates. [warning]
HTTPS Certificate directory for <em
In the absence of an LE cert, the Aegir site verification process also fails and I have a completely botched system at the moment. I did read the solution suggested in this thread a few times, but couldn't wrap my head around it.
I will be thankful for a clear step-by-step to resolve this issue. My web server in Apache 2.4.x and Certbot version is 0.31.
I ran updates and package upgrades for Certbot and even rebooted for good measure, but my Certbot version is still stuck at 0.31.0 on Ubuntu 18.04. Is there a way to manually upgrade the Certbot package for Ubuntu 18.04.3 to a higher version?
Thanks, for reminding me of the ACME v1 deprecation. Would upgrading Certbot automatically make LE use ACME v2?
Yes. We switched the default and automatically migrated everyone that was not previously explicitly setting the ACME server to use to LE’s ACMEv2 endpoint in our 0.26.0 release: Certbot 0.26.0 Release
If you don’t know how, you might need to ask the maintainers of aegir to find out. If I understand correctly, they seem to be bundling it in their hosting environment.
Your suggestion led me to try upgrading Aegir and I found it was broken because its PGP key for the Debian repo for its stable release had expired. Fixing that took care of Aegir, which is now at 3.182, the latest version.
However, I still continue to have the problem with LetsEncrypt. Even with the latest Aegir, Certbot is still at 0.31, so I am not sure how to fix this:
HTTPS certificate directory for events878.ts-adyar.org path /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d/events878.ts-adyar.org [success]
HTTPS certificate directory for events878.ts-adyar.org ownership of [success]
/var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d/events878.ts-adyar.org has been changed to aegir.
HTTPS certificate directory for events878.ts-adyar.org permissions of [success]
/var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d/events878.ts-adyar.org have been changed to 700.
HTTPS certificate directory for events878.ts-adyar.org path /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d/events878.ts-adyar.org is [success]
INFO: Using main config file /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt/config [warning]
Processing events878.ts-adyar.org [warning]
So I’m not sure why you’d still be getting that problem :\
Do you have a way to check the installed version of the Aegir HTTPS module?
If you can find the file hosting_https/submodules/letsencrypt/drush/bin/dehydrated/dehydrated file on your server, it should contain a line starting with VERSION= on line ~20.
The problem was that, even though Aegir was at 3.182, which is automatically supposed to include the updated version of dehydrated (as per the 'Changes' sub-heading at 3.18 - Aegir Hosting System ), it apparently did not.
So, I clicked through to the issue mentioned on that page, which described the following workaround:
drush @hm dl hosting_https-7.x-3.x-dev
drush @hm provision-verify
drush @server_master provision-verify
Then verify your own site to renew it's SSL cert.
drush @yoursite provision-verify
The first of those commands downloaded all the https related modules to my Aegir install:
The second command still gave me the nonce error and I almost gave up at this point. Having nothing to lose, I issued the third command and got the output I was looking for:
apache on tslin01 has been restarted [success]
Let's Encrypt configuration directory path /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d exists. [success]
Let's Encrypt configuration directory ownership of /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d has been changed to aegir. [success]
Let's Encrypt configuration directory permissions of /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d have been changed to 711. [success]
Let's Encrypt configuration directory path /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d is writable. [success]
Let's Encrypt ACME challenge directory path /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d/well-known/acme-challenge exists. [success]
Let's Encrypt ACME challenge directory ownership of /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d/well-known/acme-challenge has been changed to aegir. [success]
Let's Encrypt ACME challenge directory permissions of /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d/well-known/acme-challenge have been changed to 711. [success]
Let's Encrypt ACME challenge directory path /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt.d/well-known/acme-challenge is writable. [success]
Let's Encrypt script + data directory path /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt exists. [success]
Let's Encrypt script + data directory ownership of /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt has been changed to aegir. [success]
Let's Encrypt script + data directory permissions of /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt have been changed to 711. [success]
Let's Encrypt script + data directory path /var/aegir/config/letsencrypt is writable. [success] Copied Let's Encrypt dehydrated script code into place. [success]
After this, the LE related SSL errors have gone away and I have been successfully able to generate certs for all the sites.
Thanks a ton for prodding me to dig deeper into the issue and the useful suggestions. Much appreciated.
Edit: Just noticed you had linked to that same Aegir issue in your previous post. Somehow missed it there.