Issue renewing/transferring Njalla certs

Hi, I was using GitHub - chaptergy/certbot-dns-njalla: A certbot plugin for enabling DNS authentication with Njalla to create certs for my site, but that plugin is not longer updated and I can't renew the cert.

I then found GitHub - go-acme/lego: Let's Encrypt/ACME client and library written in Go which generated new .crt and .key files, do I now move those in the same location as the old certs created by the old plugin in /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain?

I've tried that but my domain still has invalid cert error, how can I use the new certs created by lego in certbot?

That is not something I would recommend. IMO it's not wise to combine a certain location from client A with files from client B.

You shouldn't want to. If you change to lego, you want to NOT use certbot entirely. I'm not familiar with lego, but changes are you need to update the configuration files of your webserver.

By the way, looking at History for providers/dns/njalla - go-acme/lego · GitHub it seems like lego also didn't have any meaningful updates to their njalla DNS "plugin" for more than 2 years. So I'm not sure what was wrong with certbot-dns-njalla? I doubt it has anything to do with the plugin suddenly.

The main issue in the previous plugin is:

The following plugins are using an outdated python version and must be updated to be compatible with Certbot 3.0. Please see for more information:
  * certbot-dns-njalla

Do you know how I can update the python version?

Ah, yes, that seems to be the Certbot 3.0.0 update giving you issues, not the njalla API or plugin itself.

You could revert the Certbot snap to 2.11.0 I guess. Someone on a certain issue on the Github Certbot repository used sudo snap revert certbot --revision 3834 to revert the Certbot snap to a pre-3.0.0 version.

Also, perhaps you could message the author of the plugin (chaptergy · GitHub) and point them to Certbot 3.0 Could Have Potential Third Party Snap Breakages and Architectural Decision Records · certbot/certbot Wiki · GitHub.


That worked, you rock!


Please note that it's not recommended to not update any software, so best would be for the author of the plugin to update their plugin.

Yeah I've left an issue with the temp fix on the repo, hopefully the plugin author sees it soon and fixes it. But for now I'm up and running, so thanks.