Is there a beta test program I can sign up for?

Beta testing should be usable with any mode. It means that someone can use ACME to get certs from the CA, so they can in principle use any ACME client, or any mode of any client.

It’s possible that the CA might ask beta testers to try or use particular modes or features, in order to learn more about how well they work.


Thanks for that info Jacob!

And how do I register for this ‘early beta’ program?




I would also love to participate in the Beta Test. I can test how let’s encrypt works on Debian for Apache and Nginx for a few websites.

Waiting looking got a sign-up link.
Keep up the good work.


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I would also love to participate, I work with a bunch of sites both of my own and for clients and I’ve been interested in using letsencrypt to make it easier to add ssl to them than manually managed certs. I’m working through how to use haproxy to detect acme requests and funnel them to a standalone mode let’s encrypt client while keeping all other traffic going towards the main web server for a site so that I can automate the process without having letsencrypt touch my site or understand how to work with haproxy, it also means that anything behind haproxy can work, which in my case includes nginx but also several other unsupported pieces server software, though haproxy is terminating the ssl for most of those. I’ve got at least some modes working for the test ca, but I’d like to run tests against the live one when it’s up.

While not as flexible as LetsEncrypt, you could check out WoSign for now to get your blog secured.

Is there any info on joining this beta program? I have did many beta programs and I would love to contribute to this one as well!

The moment I see the beta program announced I’ll be signing up.

I don’t currently have ssl (been waiting for LE) so there’s no traffic to it although I do know a few of my users would help in testing from a purely client perspective.


I would love to participate as well!

Also would like to beta test. Have some production domains that don’t use ssl that I would like to convert and would be happy to test with.

I too would like to participate in pre-release testing of letsencrypt.

I have a number of domains that can be used and will be wanting to test setting up certificates for both SNI and single address web servers. As well as testing certificate revocation and rotation ( revoke and reissue ).

I think the mission of letsencrypt is worthy of my support and I would like to do what I can to make the rollout as smooth and straightforward as possible.

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All of us here are terribly interested and would love to participate in any beta program or early test program you have.

I can’t wait for it …

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Would be interested in beta test as well. I have a nice mixed configuration with different SSL vendors and intermediate paths right now, and I hope to migrate to as soon as it opens to general public.

I would be interested too as well.

Maybe people should “watch” or “track” this thread and wait for when it’s ready instead of posting “+1” which generate a lot of emails in our inboxes.


+1 @bbigras (sorry it was too tempting :slight_smile: ) I’m watching this thread and this is indeed a lot of notifications :slight_smile:

Good to see so much people are waiting this service!

+1 for queuing for beta too. Thanks!

Hi, I also would like to participate ! As a student, SSL certs are useful for my websites but they are too expensive. I can’t wait for Let’s Encrypt !

You can now submit beta program participation requests


Thank you. Signed up.