I have set up Let’s Encrypt encryption on my server, and thereafter a tutorial to set up a mail server (dovecot and postfix) on the same server (ubuntu server 16.04 with nginx). In the process I also created two email addresses for that domain, that I was hoping to use through the mail client Mail. However, I get the error “unable to verify account name or password”, and on http://www.checktls.com/perl/TestReceiver.pl I get the following error:
strong text[001.075] Cert NOT VALIDATED: unable to get local issuer certificate [001.075] this may help: What Is An Intermediate Certificate [001.075] So email is encrypted but the domain is not verified [001.075] ssl : scheme=ldap cert=140396633026752 : identity=mail.mysite.comcn=mysite.com alt=2 mysite.com 2 www.mysite.com [001.075] Cert Hostname DOES NOT VERIFY (mail.mysite.com != mysite.com) [001.076] So email is encrypted but the host is not verified
As far as I can tell, the problem is with the implementation of the certificate. What steps can I take to solve this issue?
I think your server is actually correct. Either you’ve fixed it since posting, or openssl s_client is having trouble finding the correct CA certificate. (You’d think every OS would make sure that works by default, but you would be wrong.)
That’s very odd, that is not what I get running openssl locally (that is, from mail.covisp.net’s command-line or from other local machines, nor from my laptop connected to my home connection. I have php56-openssl-5.6.27 installed, which is the newest version out of perts.
It seems despite having the newest php-openssl, the underlying openssl version is old. OpenSSL 1.0.1p-freebsd 9 Jul 2015
I’ll try to figure out how to update that.
Ah. So I have openssl (v1.0.2) installed /usr/local/bin/openssl , but there was an old version at /usr/bin/. moved it aside and now I get the same results. Will need to update everything. Thanks for the pointers, and least I’m one step closer.