Hi guys,
I’m having an issue with my new Let’s Encrypt certificate. I’m using Apache 2.4.18, and I followed the tutorial to create my certificate as follows :
./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone -d mywebsite.com -d www.mywebsite.com
The Qualys SSL Labs test tells me that 3 certificates are provided (most websites running a Let’s encrypt certificate have only 2), and gives me the following error : Chain issues - Incorrect order, Extra certs
When I check the detail of the certificates on Let’s encrypt, I see that Certificate #1 and #2 are exactly identitcal (same fingerprint, same sha256…)
Certificate 1
Subject mywebsite.com
Fingerprint SHA1: dku23dku23dku23dku23dku23dku23dku23dku23
Valid until Mon, 11 Apr 2016 21:06:00 UTC (expires in 2 months and 29 days)
Key RSA 4096 bits (e 65537)
Issuer Let’s Encrypt Authority X1
Signature algorithm SHA256withRSA
Certificate 2
Subject mywebsite.com
Fingerprint SHA1: dku23dku23dku23dku23dku23dku23dku23dku23
Valid until Mon, 11 Apr 2016 21:06:00 UTC (expires in 2 months and 29 days)
Key RSA 4096 bits (e 65537)
Issuer Let’s Encrypt Authority X1
Signature algorithm SHA256withRSA
Certificate 3 is the Let’s Encrypt Authority X1 certificate. Nothing special here.
httpd.conf is configured as follows :
Listen 443
<VirtualHost :443>
** Documentroot /var/www/html/mywebsite.com*
** ServerName mywebsite.com**
** ServerAlias www.mywebsite.com**
** SSLEngine on**
** SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/mywebsite.com/cert.pem**
** SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/mywebsite.com/privkey.pem**
** SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/mywebsite.com/fullchain.pem**
** Header always set Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload”**
Am I missing something here?