I renewed my certificate upon receiving e-mail last week, now my browser is saying certificate is revoked

Honestly I have no logs to post and I’m struggling how to work around this issue

I renewed all the certificates of my domain last week after receiving the email last week about the possible security issue. Specifically I used the pfsense webGUI updater for my pfsense installation. It uses acme as its client

So I thought all was good, however now trying to login in to interface I get a certificate revoked error and the web gui is totally inaccessible.

Honestly, this sucks. I’ll guess I’ll head over to the pfsense forum on how to rectify this issue. I thought they were not going to revoke the certificates. However why is this happening even after I renewed? Not happy.

Did you reload the webserver? Did the renewal succeed? Why aren't you giving us a domain name to check? :smiley:

what do you mean, did you enable hsts on a router? you can bypass it, of course (not advisable)

Hi @KevDog

that may be simple. You have renewed the certificate, Letsencrypt sees that -> and revoked the old certificate.

But your certificate installation didn't work. So you use the old certificate - oh, that's revoked.

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