Https certificate not working with www

I just used Mozilla Firefox that I just downloaded for the first time to get a browser with a brand new cache and still, is unable to connect


Did you forget to remove the URL redirector record on GanDi?

The www version seems to have a different IP than the others (and have connection refused error)

Thank you

My DNS records look like this

Using my own dns provider I would define


not the

And your TTL is 10800 = 3 hours, so you have to wait.

Iā€™ll try that. Thanks!

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Sorry Iā€™m not near my laptop so my answer will be short. Right now your cname points to and that is not correct. Use only @ or better, instead of using a cname use an A record pointing to your ip.

Note: maybe instead of @ you shoul use a dot to indicate that you want to use your base domain (i suppose that should appear in the help of your dns provider).


I already have a A record on the first line of my printscreen. Is this what youā€™re talking about or itā€™s something else?

ā€“ By the way, happy birthday :wink:

Now you have created a wrong CNAME.

So @sahsanu has the correct idea - use @ instead. Looks like different dns-provider have different requirements.

PS: You can create an A-record with the same ip.

Hi @schtipoun,

No, I'm talking about create an A record for your www subdomain, as @JuergenAuer said, you can have multiple A records, anyway, checking your screenshot I suppose you have created a CNAME for www subdomain like this:

www CNAME 10800

But you need to create one like this (pay attention to the dot at the end of

www CNAME 10800

So as you are not using a dot at the end, your dns provider is appending the base domain to it so your CNAME record looks like this:

$ dig +short

And as I said, that is wrong ;), it should resolve as and that is the reason your site is not working now.

Thank you very much :smiley:


Ā”Feliz cumpleaƱos, @sahsanu!

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It looks all good now :slight_smile:
Now Iā€™ll know for my future projects how to handle all this!
Thanks everyone :pray:t3:

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