HTTP not redirecting to HTTPS >> rewrite module enabled

I do understand. It’s weird. It converts ’ | ’ into ’ > ’

They literally come out as the same characters as I type them into my command line

paste it into… notepad
then replace “>” with “|”
then copy it from the modified notepad version

hold down the “alt key”
type the number 124
let go of “alt key”

on the keyboard it’s usually “shift \” [located above enter key]

Mind boggling really…

Doesn’t seem to be working for me.

This is the results when I hold alt or shirt
(Bottom lines on my note pad)

For clarification. I am on a Mac OSX

Your “MacEditor” is “MacEating” it ? - LOL

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I’m sorry guys. I don’t know what’s going on or why it isn’t typing the pipe lines ’ | ’ into the command line

Yes, it’s mind boggling!!

If it may assist you, I am accessing the command line / terminal from Digital Ocean’s built in access

OK so you can humanly grep it (search)
more /etc/apache2/apache.conf

look for any lines containing any of those words (fragments)
I’m looking for a server block with :80
or any include statements
anywhere your domain name is used
any servername or serveralias lines
any listen statements
oooh, and try to keep them in top down order (order matters - socks before shoes!)

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Interesting. It’s actually Digital Ocean’s command line not allowing me to type the ’ | ’

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built-in defense system bots…

Dam bots; One day they will rule the world! - LOL

that second apache should also be apache2 - sorry TYPO


All good.

And, I don’t know what’s going on now. Seems it’s not allowing me to input a new command.
I think I kind of broke it??

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press “ctrl c”


AHAHA!! Wow!! That fixed it.

Any who, here your next command’s results:

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100 / 13 = 8 screenshots
the first was all comments only

we’re 45 minutes into this and are we even half way there?

one moment gathering the rest of the input returned

try something simpler in the meantime (if possible):
apachectl -S

awaiting your next… syllable
brings back some “fond” dial-up memories - LOL


Screenshots in comming:

the hashtag at the start of the line means it is entirely just a comment
30% in and still only comments

"Where’s the beef?"

For those to young to rmember…
“the beef” is at Wendy’s!

“Arby’s has the meats” though…

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