How to use the certificate for Tomcat

I’m having the same problem as the guy above. I’m using Apache Tomcat/8.5.3 with Java 1.8.0_92 (Oracle) 64bit.

The log files show: Cannot store non-PrivateKeys

OK, in case someone else has the same problem, you have to activate the Tomcat Native Connector 1.2 by adding a dll to your lib directory. Works fine afterwards.

hi all,

thx u for this forum , need to help regarding setup ssl on jira using exisiting .pem

i have jira im going to put the ssl on , after searching some forum im still unable to resolved it , i saw melo has experience on it , melo could pls help assist me the step if using own certificate , because already had the certificate .
( private.pem , server.crt . testing.crt ) thats all its working on my web server apache and nginx ,


Hi @melo, thanks for all your help. But I cannot acces to anymore. Is it possible to bring it back online please?


I have managed to configure Tomcat and Letsencrypt using Tomcat Native APR connector on Ubuntu. Gets A+ rating on SSL test. I’ve written a tutorial how to do it here:

Hope it helps!

I’m giving a presentation at this year’s ApacheCon in Miami where I’ll be showing how to use Tomcat with Let’s Encrypt. After the presentation, I’ll be making my slides available on for anyone who wants them.

I have made a PoC Video on this topic where it provide all the necessary step to csr generation to configuring tomcat to use lets encrpt provided certificate

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