How to revoke a certificate if the deleted folder with him

I deleted the folder with certificates for the site and forgot to make a refund certificate. It turns out that I have a new certificate for the same domain can not be created. Please, help. I worked with letsencrypt-vesta

domain - real domain name

That error:

If you’ve deleted the private key associated with the certificate, you won’t be able to revoke it. However, the only reason to revoke a certificate is if the private key has been compromised, which is very rare. If you’re running into rate limits, revoking the old cert will not help you.

I can create a certificate for the same domain name but with a different email address? Delete all folders letsencrypt

Only when you create a new certificate for some reason it breaks down the configuration file and the site is not displayed.

It was possible to re-create another account and email