How to change config-dir and work-dir during renewal

My domain is:

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): yes

The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you're using Certbot): certbot 0.40.1

I noticed that the config_dir and work-dir specified in the renewal config file is broken on my machine. It seems the path is relative to some temporary path that no longer exists.

Is there some way I can change this with certbot command during renewal ? I was looking in the certbot reconfigure options but could not find option to change those. Also the certbot version installed on our servers is too old.

I want to change the config-dir and work-dir to a permanent path so that it is no longer broken

That seems a bit outdated; And might explain why reconfigure isn't doing what you asked of it.

Please show us the renewal config file.


Here are the contents for config file of 1 of the certificates

version = 0.40.1
archive_dir = /opt/certservice/
cert = /opt/certservice/
privkey = /opt/certservice/
chain = /opt/certservice/
fullchain = /opt/certservice/

account = 7c8511db5621db93cef292589a8da0f5
work_dir = /opt/certservice/
config_dir = /opt/certservice/
server =
authenticator = webroot
logs_dir = /opt/certservice/
webroot_path = /usr/share/nginx/html/letsencrypt,
[[webroot_map]] = /usr/share/nginx/html/letsencrypt

The trouble is that this /opt/certservice/<version-number> keeps changing with different releases of the service

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Are you forced to use that changing path?
Can you bolt it down [somehow]?


Nope, no one is forcing us.
The original author of the service didn't pay attention to this so it was a changing path.

Now, I want to bolt it down to a specific fixed directory

To change these directories in the renewal conf, do I have to tinker with sed scripting or can reconfigure command help

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You can use vi or nano.

But using reconfigure would be ideal.
[but that may require using a newer version of certbot]


The certservice that we have is a python utility that has been written to issue and renew certificates. And there are hundreds of such certificates so using any manual techniques(vi) is the last resort.

From the latest certbot help reconfigure I could not find config-dir and work-dir under

  Common options that may be updated with the "reconfigure" subcommand:
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Yeah... I'm not too familiar with that option.
[it would be great - if it does what you need]

I'd setup a more permanent path and then update the python code to use that fixed path instead.


You could also dig deeper into how certbot uses environment variables.
And set that changing version as a system-wide variable.


Yeah, that's the idea


I just hope that reconfigure accepts config-dir and work-dir option and sets those values in renewal.conf

No luck :frowning:
certbot requires the original config-dir path to work with so I can't provide new config-dir

Any more suggestions here on how may I achieve this ?

What about not using --config-dir at all and just let Certbot use its default folders which are /etc/letsencrypt/...

Then, use a --deploy-hook to copy newly issued certs to your needed destination

Instead of deploy-hook you could even have a new script that runs daily to copy all certs from /etc/letsencrypt folders to your needed location

Or, can you setup a symlink from the current config-dir to something else

Then, refresh that symlink whenever your needed target destination changes?


Without those options, will the renewal work ?

Renewals are not contingent on deploy-hooks [which happen AFTER a cert has been renewed].
The renewal should use the information stored in the renewal config file.


That means, since my renewal config is pointing to broken links, I don't have any other option ?

I don't understand what you mean by:

Please show that renewal config file.

# renew_before_expiry = 30 days
version = 1.23.0
archive_dir = /opt/certservice/
cert = /opt/certservice/
privkey = /opt/certservice/
chain = /opt/certservice/
fullchain = /opt/certservice/

# Options used in the renewal process
account = 93b2d96a3016cc8f280796c89e7b4a8d
config_dir = /opt/certservice/
work_dir = /opt/certservice/
logs_dir = /opt/certservice/
authenticator = webroot
webroot_path = /usr/share/nginx/html/letsencrypt,
server =
[[webroot_map]] = /usr/share/nginx/html/letsencrypt

The config_dir and work_dir may point to directories that no longer exists as 3.3.0... could have been changed to something else, after last renewal

Can they all be copied/moved back to that path?